Oh, it gets even worse. In my novel, my character is reminded of “If You Had Wings.” I, of course, start singing the song. Adam looks at me blankly, and I ask, “You do know what that is, don’t you?” “Uh, a TV show?” he asks, in his “duh” voice. Doesn’t know what If You Had Wings Is. I used to love “If You Had Wings.” You didn’t need a ticket for it, so you could ride it as many times as you wanted (which was a lot, but only if Peter and Carol had the patience for it, for by the time I was old enough to go to Disney World without them, the ride was long closed). He also has no recollection of GE’s Carousel of Progress:
Well, looks like the robins are getting ready to celebrate Valentines day today. What year is it? Oh, right around the turn of the century. And things couldn’t be any better than they are today. Yes sir, buildings are towering now as high as twenty stories. And moving pictures flicker up on a big screen. We have almost 8,000 automobiles in this country and we can travel by train from New York to California in less than seven days! And I even hear tell of two brothers from North Carolina who are working on some kind of flying contraption. [He chuckles to himself.] It’ll never work. Closer to home, we’ve now got gas lamps, telephone and the latest design in cast iron stoves. And that reservoir keeps 5 gallons of water hot all day on just 3 buckets of coal. Oh boy, it sure beats chopping wood. And isn’t our new icebox a beauty? Look at that! Holds 50 pounds of ice.
Everyone now, “Now is the time, now is the time, now is the best time of our lives.”