We Wish You a Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2001 Comments Off on We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Ah, Christmas dinner the way the Christians do it. Tracy and Lloyd had us over to dinner tonight and it was fabulous, although I’m definitely waddling now. Adam and I meant to catch a flick earlier, although we got caught up in stuff (read: Adam’s b-school essays), so we never made it out.

You know, every Hannukah, on the radio the d.j.s say, “And a Happy Hannukah to our Jewish listeners.” How come they don’t say now, “And a Merry Christmas to our Christian listeners.” I’m feeling slightly bah-humbug as people just don’t want to let it rest. At the grocery store yesterday, I was quizzed by the checkout person, who I know was only trying to be nice. “Are you all ready for the holiday?” she asked. And as always, I just played along until she started digging deeper. “All your presents wrapped? Tree all set?” I finally told her I didn’t celebrate Christmas and the bag boy looked at me like I was from Mars. “Chanukah is over, so my presents are not only wrapped, they’re unwrapped and even exchanged in a couple of instances” (Adam exchanged his green sweater for a gray one.) She kept pressing, “So it’s completely done? There’s nothing left?” It’s women like her that make me want to slap people upside the head and say, “The baby Jesus was a fucking Jew, for God’s sake!” But I resisted, and just smiled.

I’m still waiting for my squat. Adam’s got another three hours and 24 minutes to squat. Why does he have to squat, you might ask? Because we woke up this morning, and I exclaimed, “It’s my half birthday! What did you get me?” and he said, “I got you squat.” So I’ve been waiting all day for him to squat, but so far, I’ve gotten squat on the squat. Some half birthday this has been!

I ate too much. Did I mention that? I ate way, way too much. But it was sooooo good.


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