I have two articles, a book review, and two copyedits due this month. I’m hosting Thanksgiving. Hanukkah is super early this year (December 4th). Oh, and I’ve got two kids to raise. And Adam has an almost-week long business trip. So what does that mean? It means it’s time to get my Nanowrimo on! Yep, it’s been a couple of years and my writing juices have felt a little stale, so I’m going for 50,000 words or bust. (Pie, that means “break down,” it does not mean “Ming Ming” so get that glimmer of lust out of your eye.)
Now it’s your turn. I really have no idea what my novel is about or where it’s going (even though I’m 10,501 words into it). Please, please, please leave me a comment with a random word, phrase, sentence, or random idea. I promise to incorporate each and every one into my novel and I’ll post the resulting paragraph with it in there (and you won’t have to wait till Wednesday for me to post it). So help me Nano my way to 50,000!
Erm,here are some random “words”, or not so much, that I’ve been given lately: expection, lamentating, introducting, extuitive (I think this one really has legs) – None that will really help you. Um, tequila? That always helps me with word flow. “
Perhaps you can find some inspiration from my students. Here’s a selection of out-of-context phrases from emails I’ve received from them.
“It is getting progressively worse by the hour.â€
“I was not feeling very well at all last night and this morning, not to mention, I could not even move to do anything this morning, and I got out of the house late. By the time I made it to school, it was too late.â€
“It seems so confusing now.â€
“I don’t know what happened to me.â€
“I am suffering with severe pain and I am on heavy medication.â€
“I have some personal issues that need to be taken care of which are related to my court appointment last Wednesday.â€
“Of course it is not easy for me to understand completely.â€
“I don’t know what I am talking about. I am so sorry.â€
“It was hardly my fault that the kippers were yellow”
“What? Not my good afghan again!”
“It’s a cold day for pontooning”
“No, Pie, the Ming Dynasty had nothing to do with that”
“Has anyone seen my turtle?”
Oh, one more, because my wife hates the song.
“We lay entwined in bed, listening distantly to Gordon Lightfoot lamenting the loss of some boat on Lake Superior”
Awesome. I’m going to tackle these in order. Jennifer, did you make those words up? MTB, sounds like you’re having a good year so far teaching. And, Zippy, um, I’m not sure I know who Gordon Lightfoot is. But that won’t stop me from using it!!