On Mondays, Jasmine comes over after camp. Jasmine is just at the end of her toilet training, and I realized I was all out of M&Ms;, the universal potty treat. So I ran to CVS to buy a pack. I opted for the small pack, as I’ve been known to reward myself a little too liberally for bodily functions that I myself mastered a few decades ago. Doesn’t everyone have to say to her kids at some point or another, “What are you looking? I peed! Seventy-two times. Yes it is possible and no you can’t do it. Go away!”
But back to my point. First of all, who knew a normal-sized package of M&Ms; is 79 cents (and where’s my cents symbol? Hello, cents symbol! I don’t see you!). But what really killed me is the ratio of paper to purchase. I paid in cash. No credit card receipts. No debit nonsense. Yet the sheer act of handing over one dollar bill and receiving back 21 cents (again, symbol?) required the amount of paper you see here. How many trees died for my–I mean Jasmine’s–potty treat? Gads.
haha! OMG, I get pissed too when I hit the CVS and I get a roll of paper like that. Oh and I can’t figure out how to put a cent sign in without being in Word. *sigh*