Praise Lord!

August 13th, 2008 § 2 comments

Our cable company went digital and we got about a zillion new channels, most of them completely worthless. There has never been so much nothing on TV. But… we’ve had the return of one channel that I’m in enthralled with and that Adam is completely horrified by. This is saying a lot. That man has watched Bridezilla. He’s sat through The L Word. He’s even been known to put up with Tori and Dean. But I’ve found his limits. And it’s going to cause problems. Because I can’t seem to avert my eyes from…

TBN. I don’t know what it is! TBN got me through grad school. I’d procrastinate for hours on end by watching it. Something about Evangelical Christians just sucks me in. The other night there was a show hosted by Kirk Cameron (of my beloved Growing Pains), and he was teaching us how we should be witnessing to complete strangers. He had this great analogy: If you saw an elevator plunging, and you noticed that at the bottom there was a gap, and in that gap children were playing, wouldn’t you run and save the kids? You wouldn’t stop and say, “Wait! They look like they’re having fun. And I don’t know them! Who am I to ruin their fun?” No, you’d save those kids! So why would you not save the world? Because you don’t know them? Because they’re having fun? According to Kirk, friends don’t let friends go to hell.

They get me! I’m hooked! I’ll witness! I’ll send in my five dollars! But then it hits me. Oh right. I’m Jewish. Jesus does nothing for me. Damn! (Which, apparently, I am!)

Anyway, I find it fascinating. And Adam? Not so much. He’s trying to figure out how to disable the channel. But there’s no way to do that without also disabling NESN. And that’s not going to happen. Ah. What can I say? The lord works in mysterious ways.

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§ 2 Responses to Praise Lord!"

  • Jen says:

    Oh that was so funny. I was so afraid of where this was going and bam! I now have to watch TBN.

  • Jen says:

    I just left you a comment…see there it is.. and then I looked a little closer and we have the same name. Yeah I’m the kind of geek who gets all excited about that kind of thing. God, I need a life.

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