Why on This Night Do We Dip Our Herbs Twice?

August 13th, 2008 § 2 comments

Speaking of food group… Apparently last week, when they were making Thai chicken, the woman who runs the program explained that they’d be putting basil into the pot, and that basil is an herb. She later told me that Doodles responded by saying, “That’s good because Jewish people eat herbs.”

Of course he was referring to the bitter herbs of Passover. He was a little nonplussed to discover that gentiles eat herbs, too.

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§ 2 Responses to Why on This Night Do We Dip Our Herbs Twice?"

  • My husband and I both laughed out loud at that one. And, wow, mazel tov on your graduation! (BB has graduated, LG is gonna keep on going until he voluntarily eats something besides various combinations of wheat/tomato products/cheese. Sigh.)

  • Veronica says:

    haha!! One of Ella’s BBF’s is Jewish. Around holidays he’ll point out certain Jewish things and then remark, “But not you.” It’s pretty cute.

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