Switching Up the Switch Witch

October 24th, 2008 § 1 comment

Doodles is completely looking forward to the Switch Witch. He’s talking about it nonstop. Is she real? What is she like? What’s she going to bring? Doodles is Switch Witch stoked. But Pie? Well, Pie is Pie.

Pie: I don’t want the Switch Witch to come.
Me: But she’s a nice witch!
Pie: I don’t want her to come.
Me: Don’t you want to get a toy?
Pie shakes her head vehemently: No!
Me: But the Switch Witch always comes.
Pie: I don’t want her this year.
Me: Why?
Pie: I don’t want her to take my candy.
Me: But she’ll bring you a toy in return.
Pie: No! I don’t want her taking my candy!
Me: And what do you think your going to do with all that candy?
Pie: Eat it! All if it. I want to eat all my candy. So tell the Switch Witch not to come.

Yeah, Pie. But the problem is, I want to eat all your candy, too. And I’m bigger than you.

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