Really? Really?

July 26th, 2009 § 2 comments

Adam: That camp picture of Doodles is so typical.
Me: What?
Adam: The camp picture. Didn’t you see the camp picture he brought home?
Me: His bunk picture?
Adam: Yeah.
Me: Um, what about it?
Adam: Doodles is the only kid not looking at the camera.
Me: Excuse me?
Adam: Didn’t you see? Doodles is looking the other way.
Me: In the bunk picture?
Adam: Yeah. It’s classic.
Me: Um, Adam?
Adam: Yeah?
Me: Are you sure?
Adam: Didn’t you see the picture? He’s looking sideways!
Me: I saw the picture. Doodles isn’t in it.
Adam: What do you mean?
Me: We had to preorder the pictures. But Doodles was sick the day they took the bunk pictures. He’s not in it.
Adam: Oh. Huh. I thought it was him.


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