
November 22nd, 2009 Comments Off on Sputtering

I have this freakin’ cold that just will not die. I ran yesterday for the first time in a week and a half–a week and a half!!–and the run itself felt fabulous but the hour-long coughing fit that followed it was not so much. Luckily all major training for the time being is over. I have my yearly Thanksgiving race this Thursday, which I’m very much looking forward to, cough or no cough, but I have no other real races planned (4 miles, of course, not counting as a “real” race). I’ve committed to doing one of those 24-hour relay races, but it’s not till May. I figure for the next month, I can do bare minimum training (meaning about 15 miles a week) and then get back into the swing of things in December in Miami. Then, when I get back home, the light will start to return to the morning and I can give more of a push then. I’d like to do at least one marathon next year–a friend promised to do Chicago with me, and then there’s a spring marathon in New York that I’m considering. We’ll see how it all goes. Depends on how fast I can outrun this cold. (Ha ha ha ha! Okay, this is why I don’t do puns.)


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