“I Ain’t People!”

December 5th, 2009 Comments Off on “I Ain’t People!”

I’m watching Singing in the Rain with my kids. We checked it out of the library, “we” being me and Pie, as Doodles swore he had no interest and all he wanted to do was listen to the Harry Potter book on CD he checked out. But about ten minutes in, Doodles wandered into the room and became hooked.

“You know,” I told Pie. “Gene Kelly is a very famous dancer.”

“Really?” she asked. “Was he in Mamma Mia?”

Of course, it didn’t start out well. The MGM Lion? Well, apparently it’s terrifying. It took a lot of convincing to get Pie turned around to watch the film. You know what else is terrifying? When Lena gets a Pie in the face. Yikes! Head buried! And if you’re outside in the rain alone? Sc-ar-y!

But nothing, no nothing, is as terrifying to anyone as the romantic scenes are to Doodles. He literally cowers under the covers (he’s watching in his underwear, beneath our couch blanket) anytime anyone embraces and makes whimpering noises if he accidentally sees kissing.

And did you know the movie is confusing. “Why did his face go all squishy? Who talks yucky? Why is that a yucky voice? Why is he going through that wall? Why is she wearing that?” And on. And on. And on.

Till she passed out. Leaving only Doodles glued to the screen. As long as no one is smooching, that is.

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