
June 27th, 2010 Comments Off on Hungry?

I sent Adam off to the pool with the kids so I can get a grip on the disarray in this house. I got some awesome birthday gifts, but they’re scattered all over the house. Doodles came home with packets of papers that are piled in precarious pyramids all over our counter. Adam found shelves that fit the stairways! So they are sitting empty in Doodles’s room. This is my get-things-done morning.

I’ll do a shopping trip at some point, so I asked the kids what they’ll want in their camp lunches.

Pie: What can I have?

Me: Well, this is dance camp. So no peanut butter.

For three years now, Pie has been at a Jewish preschool and camp (which she’ll attend in a couple of weeks), which for reasons of kashrut (kosher) require a vegetarian lunch. In deference to the restrictions placed on the lunches, they do allow peanut products, as long as they are labeled. The kids with peanut products sit away from those with allergies. Most other places around here other ban or “strongly discourage” peanut products in lunches.

Pie: So this isn’t a Jewish camp?

Me: No.

Pie: Then I want meat! Every day! Meat, meat, meat! Give me lots of meat in my lunch!

My slow introduction of vegetarian ways seems to be making little headway here….

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