I’m dealing with GE and my oven. My lovely oven that I miss oh-so-very much. The oven for which I have now twice been stood up for by an appliance repair person.
My phone options?
To schedule a repair press 1.
To extend your warranty press 2.
For billing, press 3.
All those are inadequate options. The only option I want?
To go apeshit on our customer service reps, press #$&%*#@.
Thank you for calling GE.
(A note after the fact: Lest you think I’m one of those evil entitled suburban haus fraus, I do recognize it is not the customer service reps fault. And I did not go apeshit on him. But I promise you, as I calmly asked for a sooner appointment–which I did not receive–I was all apeshit on the inside.)
I bought a GE refrigerator (side by side). It cost me over $600 to repair it twice. The third time it failed (only a month after the last repair) we were on vacation and came home to a stinky refrigerator and lots of ruined food. I will never buy another GE product again. I also say that GE products sucks.