Why’d Adam Let Me Eat So Much?

September 29th, 2010 § 1 comment

Curled up in Doodles's little twin bed.

I love coming home to this sight. Normally Pie falls asleep in her own bed, and makes her way into our bed in the middle of the night. But when she has a babysitter, despite the painted nails that she’s allowed, she still gets “sad” when it’s time for her to go to sleep. So, inevitably, she crawls into her brother’s small bed. I’m thrilled that he tolerates it. They have their moments, but when it comes down to it, they take care of each other.

Adam and I had our cooking class tonight. For about a year we took a once-a-month cooking class from this amazing woman in the next town over. She took a hiatus to go to culinary school, so tonight was our first class since then. Oh. My. God. It was amazing. I went in tired and cranky and I left sated and happy and with a gallon of rendered duck fat. No, seriously. Our teacher, Rose, is a vegetarian, and while she whips up this scrumptious meals for us (tonight was duck fat fries with duck breast, fig salad, pasta with a short rib sauce, and a ginger creme brulee–she’s expanded her class to more than once a month, so if you’re local and you want in, just let me know!), she often has more leftovers than her carnivorous family can eat. Which is where my family comes in. So I now have a huge container of duck fat in my fridge. And giant bag of potatoes from Boston Organics. If you’re in the ‘hood and you want duck fat fries, you know where to come!


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