Words for the New Year

January 1st, 2011 § 1 comment

My first post of the year. Will it be uplifting? Bring you hope and joy in 2011? Give you inspiring words to live by or at least a great quote that you can repeat from time to time?

Nah. I’m here to talk about my daughter’s potty mouth. It never fails. Whenever that girl gets truly tired, she gets all Tourettes on us. Tonight at our New Year’s Eve party, she–eventually–fell asleep. But when it was time to leave, we woke her on the way to the car. At which time her mouth started going, almost of its own volition: “Hey! You’re stupid! Stupid! Stop talking! Shut up, shut up, shut up!” We wrangled her into her booster seat amongst the swears, put on her seat belt, and shut the door. To which she promptly unplugged her seat belt, wrenched the door open, all they while kicking and yelling, “You’re stupid! It’s boring! It’s too boring! You’re stupid! It’s so boring!” Finally my friend came to the rescue and showed me how the child safety lock could be triggered so she couldn’t open the door. I whispered to her, “It is against the law to drive without your seat belt on so if the police see us, we’re in big trouble!” At that she sat stoically in her seat, crossed her arms, and shouted, “Shut up! You’re stupid!”

It’s hard to keep a straight face when she’s railing on us, but I try. “You’re laughing! Shut up! I hear you whispering! Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

Within a few minutes she was back asleep. But I’m glad our new year got off to such a quiet start. I’m sure it bodes well for us.

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§ One Response to Words for the New Year

  • Adam says:

    sometimes I wish we could hook up one of those realitytv-rearviewmirror-fisheye cameras in the car to capture moments like these.

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