
July 29th, 2011 § 1 comment

I’m supposed to be packing. (Note to you would-be robbers: We have a house sitter. Beetle will be staying at the house the entire time we are gone, and let me tell you, her bite is much worse than her bark, so stay away!) But instead I’m cleaning Silly Putty from a ballerina blanket; answering the question, “I’m bored. What can I do?” in a million, apparently inadequate, ways; hitting “Get Mail” twelve times a minute to see if my agent has anything to say to me; stressing that I have NO idea what to pack; stressing because I wanted to make somewhat of a plan for our trip because the kids want to do 2,345 things while we’re gone and we’ll have time for about 8; and obviously wasting time blogging to let you know that I’m not doing what I need to be doing.

But it’s okay. Because soon, my kids will be complaining on a completely different continent, a continent where there is enough red wine to keep me in buzzed bliss for the rest of my life.

Where are we going? Ah, I should let that be a surprise. But I will give you a hint. I had the kids decorate the travel journals they’re going to use while we’re there. And this is what they did:

I will have Internet access, but I hopefully won’t be using it too much. I’ll either be posting a ton… or not at all, depending on how my whims strike me.

Á bientôt!


§ One Response to Escaping

  • Angela says:

    Oh my goodness! You lucky, lucky girl!! Can’t wait to hear all about it! Have a great time!!!

    p.s. if I have to hear “I’m borrrrred . . . I have nothing to dooooooo . . .” one more time, I’m going to bang my head against a wall! lol. It’s especially bad in our house because of a nasty virus (the virus from HELL) that has invaded our house. My daughter had it for a week, and the first day she was fever-free, my son started coming down with it. He’s had it since Monday, and now I’m getting sick! Needless to say, I’ve been a prisoner in my own house for almost two weeks . . . ugh . . .

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    I read, I write, I occasionally look to make sure my kids aren't playing with matches.

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