Let Me Eat Cake!

July 1st, 2011 Comments Off on Let Me Eat Cake!

Let’s start by saying there was no cake. Yes, last Saturday was my birthday. No, there was no cake.

At lunch.
Me: I’m ready for cake!
Adam: Uh, there is no cake.
Me: What do you mean?
Adam: We were supposed to leave for Portsmouth right after breakfast! So there wouldn’t have been time for cake! Did you want cake for breakfast?
Me, to Doodles: Would Mommy want cake at breakfast?
Doodles: Yes.
Me, to Pie: Do you think Mommy would eat cake at breakfast?
Pie: Yes!
Me, to Adam: Your kids know me well.
Adam: grumble, grumble, grumble.

So, no cake. What did I get instead? Why, I got Adam’s 20th high school reunion! Which I will blog about shortly….


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    I read, I write, I occasionally look to make sure my kids aren't playing with matches.

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