When She Grows Up…

May 24th, 2012 § 1 comment

Pie came home with this from school yesterday:

For those who don’t read 1st grade, it says that when she grows up, she’s going to be a writer. The amount of money she will make is “thousands and thousands of money.” She’ll be attending New York University and her best friend will remain Jasmine (that’s Jasmine on the left; Pie on the right).

“Aw,” I said when I saw it. “This is lovely. But just so you know, writers don’t make ‘thousands and thousands of money.’ At least not more than a handful of writers. Most writers make very little money.”

And Pie said, “Not me. I’ll make lots of money! I’m going to write BIG books! Hardcover ones!”

So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong…!

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§ One Response to When She Grows Up…

  • Angela says:

    Ha! LOVE IT! The other day, I was printing off my ms, and my daughter tells me, “Now all you have to do is add the pictures!” Such a cute age ;o)

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