Learning New Words

June 1st, 2012 Comments Off on Learning New Words

This Sunday our Daisies bridge to Brownies. Let me start off by telling you, I love being a Girl Scout leader. I love the girls in our troop. I love my co-leader. I think the whole experience has been fun and it’s been amazing to see the girls blossom over the last two years, and I look forward to being able to do more with them as they get older. This past year we’ve done art classes, Christmas caroling, volunteered at Cradles to Crayon, seen a play, went letter boxing, and so much more. We’re going on a morning canoe trip in a couple of weeks, and I can’t wait.

That said, there are days when I’m tired, when the girls are whiny, and when things just don’t gel. Today wasn’t exactly one of those. But a bunch of us got it into our head that we should have an all-school Girl Scout event. That’s 1st grade Daises (bridging to Brownies), 2nd grade Brownies, 3rd grade Brownies (bridging to Junior Girl Scouts), 4th grade Juniors, and 5th grade Juniors (bridging to Cadettes). All in one celebration. All with one bridging event.

Today, for our normal Daisy meeting, we met outside the school with all the other troops to practice the ceremony and figure out how the bridging/ceremony/singing will go. It. Was. Bedlam.

Tonight at dinner, I said, “Sunday should be interesting. Today was a total clusterf**k.”

The girl and the boy asked, “What’s a clusterf**k?”

I said, “What does it sound like?”

The boy said, “I dunno,” but the clever little girl said, “It sounds like a circle of f**ks. Like f**ks in a circle. Oh! I get it! It means chaos! A clusterf**k is chaos. Yeah, today was a clusterf**k! Clusterf**k, clusterf**k, clusterf**k!”

Excuse me while I wipe away the tears. She just makes me so proud!

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