Apropos of truly nothing, as we’re walking out the door to head to school, my daughter says to my son: “You know, Doodles, if you cut off your p*enis, you’d have a v*agina.” Clearly it’s time to revisit It’s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families.
I am truly incapable of getting offline. I just shut down mail so I could get out a blog post and then return to novel writing. Yet, while waiting for WordPress to load, I compulsively yet unconsciously hit my mail button, thus relaunching the mail I had just closed. Damn you Internet and your siren call! This is why I need programs like Freedom. Because I have no self-control.
Did you know that apparently there are people out there who don’t like candy corn? And people who aren’t out running madly from store to store searching for the new Candy Corn Oreos (no, I did NOT go to a different grocery store one town over to see if they had it because my local Stop N’ Shop didn’t! I went to the other store because… um… well… And no, they didn’t have it, either). The only thing I can POSSIBLY think of that would be better would be Peeps Oreos. Oooh, deep fried! Deep fried Peeps Oreos! Hey, a girl needs to have her dreams.
I’ve had a bunch of volunteer activities at the kids’ school this past week. Every time I see the girl, she insists that everything be dropped and I give her a hug. “Mommy, the rule is every time I see you, you need to give me a hug.” Yes, I’m sure the teachers love that. Yet, we get home and I say, “Hug time!” she said, “Not now!” When I remind her of the rule, she looks at me exasperated, “Mom! That’s only a rule for school!”
Okay, time in enact Freedom and to get some novelin’ done! Till next time!
Milk chocolate covered Oreos!! I had those (yes, plural) this past weekend. So, so, so good.