The Aftermath

October 30th, 2012 § 2 comments

Our part of our part of the world (meaning our corner of town) faired quite well in the mess that Hurricane Sandy left on the East Coast. Unlike parts of our town, we lost power for a mere hour. No damage to the trees at our house. The surrounding streets are a bit ugly. But we’re good. I had some gum surgery in the morning, but once I got past that we spent the day watching movies (I introduced my kids to Fiddler on the Roof), eating junk food (cider apple donuts, anyone?), and for those over 21, drinking whiskey sours to numb the mouth pain. Not a bad day! There’s no school today as the town cleans up the various streets, although the boy does have Hebrew school later.

So we are unscathed. Or so I thought. Until I walked into the girl’s room. Apparently the hurricane struck. Just her room.

Sigh. I won’t bother FEMA for this, but it’s time to start my clean-up.


§ 2 Responses to The Aftermath"

  • Yury Kats says:

    Huh, you call THAT a mess?

  • Jenny says:

    It’s not the best shot, I agree, but I couldn’t get it all in. It’s really just paper. Stacks and stacks of paper. “Important” paper. The paper is taking over her life and her room!

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