I thought that by rationing out my gummy bears into a cute little bowl, it would prevent me from overdoing it on the candy. Turns out, I was wrong. But it’s okay, because with the kids gone, I’m not getting in enough steps on my pedometer (most steps were spent walking Pie to camp, walking Pie to Starbucks, walks with with Pie around the neighborhood, etc. Where was the boy? Playing Minecraft, of course), so the only steps I’m really getting now are those from the couch to the gummy bear drawer. And how does anyone figure there are 3.5 servings in a 5 ounce bag? That is simply wrong.
The kids made it off to camp with just about everything they needed. We had the predictable:
[Three weeks ago]
Me: Doodles, do your Shabbat shoes fit?
The boy: Yeah.
[Two weeks ago]
Me: Doodles, are you sure your Shabbat shoes fit?
The boy: Yeah.
[One week ago]
Me: Doodles, would you please try on your Shabbat shoes and make sure they fit?
The boy: They fit me, already! Leave me alone!
[Two days before we leave]
Me: Doodles, I am going to stand here and watch you. Try on your Shabbat shoes.
The boy: Mom! [Tries on shoes.] Hey! They’re too small!
We had the nervous:
Pie: With the counselors help me do my hair?
Me: Of course.
Pie: Will the counselors help me when I get a bug bite?
Me: Of course.
Pie: Will the counselors help me if I can’t cut my food?
Me: Of course.
We had the frantic:
Me: Where are all your shorts! Find your flashlight! No, I’m not buying you a new flashlight if you lost last year’s flashlight! You’ll just have to be in the dark! Bring me your Shabbat pants! No, not those, the ones that fit! What do you mean all of those shorts don’t feel right? WE HAVE TO PACK! I need to label how many pairs of socks? Screw that. Don’t lose your socks.
But we made it to camp. In case you’re wondering, the camp web site is not adding photos in 15 minute increments, but I am continually checking, just to make sure.
And the house is dead quiet. I’ve been able to read. Work on my novel. Eat gummy bears. No one is dancing to Selena Gomez in the kitchen. No one is begging for computer time. No one is demanding a trip to the Res.
Peace and quiet.