Nano Day 7

November 7th, 2001 Comments Off on Nano Day 7

Word count: 7,560. Still way, way behind. But, I’m making progess. I’m counting on tomorrow night to make up for a lot of lost time. My novel is definitely a novel about life on the kibbutz, but I haven’t quite figured out where it’s going. Maybe she has a romance? Maybe not. I have no idea. This is a lot tougher than I had thought it would be. The main character is me, but it’s completely not me at the same time. I think there’s mostly me in the omniscient first-person narrator. My main character (the third person one) is experiencing things much differently than I did. Basically what I’m doing is using my old diary as a frame for events, and then having my character react to them in her own way. And since I don’t yet know her very well, it’s hard to say what she’s going to end up doing.


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