Nano Day 5

November 5th, 2001 Comments Off on Nano Day 5

Day 5 of Nanowrimo. If I’m to keep on target (for a Nov. 30 end date, not even the Nov. 28 end date I need to finish before I leave for Fernley), I need to write about 3,000 words today. Currently I’m at 5,357. I’ve changed the focus pretty dramatically, making the main part of the story third person, although there’s a first-person narrator. You can tell I’m rereading Kundera. I’ve decided to write about the trip to Israel after all, but it will be more fiction after all, as I’m making it happen in today’s environment, and my character is beginning to drift away from who I am. Writing in the cafe on Saturday morning was actually a huge help. Changing environments was good, and having the support of others made me sit at the laptop (my work one) longer than I normally would have. Mary, Eugene, Simon, and Betsy showed up, so with Adam, myself, and a friend of Eugene, we had a pretty good-sized group there. One woman came up to us and asked if we were a writing group. She’d never seen so many laptops going at once. We must have looked pretty silly, but it did the trick.

Saw Monsters, Inc. on Saturday night. I’m hooked. Can’t wait to see the extras on that DVD.

Work will be difficult to concentrate on today–I’ve got my character running through my mind. Must get a lot done so I can get home on the early side and pump out those (gasp) 3,000 words. As if.


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