Spoiled Rotten

November 15th, 2010 § 2 comments

No, not my kids. My husband. Getting ready for a trip, he’s got all his toys laid out. His Galaxy Tab. His iPad. His Blackberry.

And what’s wrong?

“I can’t find my iPod! My old-fashioned iPod! Damn, I guess I’ll have to go without it.”

Poor man. Not enough gadgets for a six-hour plane ride. What will he ever do?

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§ 2 Responses to Spoiled Rotten"

  • Adam says:

    i took a nap. while listening to music on my ipad.

  • Diana Harker says:

    Heh, heh, heh — kids/adults these days! So the video technology class at Zeke’s high school has assigned a “project” to the class that requires the students to go without any social media or email for 7 days. Can they do it? It’s soooooo hard. Too easy, I say. Better assignment?
    It’s 1984 — and you don’t have email, mobile phone, social networks, or a computer of your own.
    You have to manually roll down a car door’s window, and walk into a bank and talk to a human to make a transaction….the list goes on and on. Good luck!!

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