The Lasts… The Firsts

February 6th, 2009 Comments Off on The Lasts… The Firsts

I’ve baked my last hallot in this apartment (that’s the plural of hallah for you goyim out there). Tomorrow night will be my last Saturday night in this apartment. Sunday will be my last Sunday night in this apartment.

We leave for Israel on Wednesday (and I have no compunctions writing this because there are big burly construction workers at my house so just forget about making any mischief over there!). We get back home on Monday, the 23rd. (And I won’t have a laptop while I’m gone–if I get into areas of WiFi, I’ll be able to post pics from my iPhone, but otherwise, this blog will be quiet for a while.) We are out of our apartment and into our house on Saturday the 28th, when our lease is up. So we are into the lasts.

And the firsts. I peed in my house yesterday. Yes, I did! And I was the first member of my family to do so, much to Adam’s chagrin. We’ll do our last load of laundry here before we go, and then when we get back, trip laundry will be done in our brand new washer and dryer at the house.

The painters are coming today. The floors went in yesterday (they need to be sealed one more time, but there are floors!). We have toilets and heat and working showers. Countertops will be measured on Monday and put in the following week with sinks. We are nearing the end people. The house may not be completely done, but I’m starting to have confidence that it will be most livable!

I’ll miss this tiny apartment. Adam thinks I’m crazy when I say it, as I do go crazy with the lack of privacy. But I’ll also miss the closeness of my kids around. But I’m excited to let them scream at 6 a.m. without waking the neighbors. I’m happy to be able to let them jump without worrying about them shaking the apartment below. I’ll be happy to have their toys out of storage so they can get playing again.

And I’m already planning the first party. I’m thinking an all-day open house. Sometime in March. With boxes and no furniture. But in our own house!


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