Drink, Drank, Drunk

June 17th, 2011 § 5 comments

This piece on Flavorwire on “How to Drink Like Your Favorite Author” was illuminating. At the moment, I drink mostly like Hemingway. In the winter, I’m more of an Anne Sexton drinker, which disappoints because I’ve always considered myself a Dorothy Parker kind of gal (without the suicide though). But I’m not sure I’m a Whiskey Sour person. Then again, I’m not sure I’ve had a Whiskey Sour. I think I see a weekend project in my future. Anyone have a good Whiskey Sour recipe they love?

“Three be the things I shall never attain:
Envy, content, and sufficient champagne.”
—Dorothy Parker

Mojitos. Martinis. Lemon Drops. I think I better narrow down that drink of mine so when this list is made twenty years from now, my one drink will be obvious.

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§ 5 Responses to Drink, Drank, Drunk"

  • Yury Kats says:

    Mojitos rule! Hard to find a decent Mojito-making bar though.
    Whiskey Sour is pretty standard, no special recipes required — good bourbon, lemon juice and sugar.

  • Jenny says:

    I actually make a killer Mojito. And have you tried Chez Henri? I believe their mojitos are pretty good.

    We definitely have lots of good bourbon in this house, so I’ll have to give the Whiskey Sour a try.

  • carol says:

    As your mother, I think it’s time to start worrying about you again.

  • Yury Kats says:

    Chez Henri’s mojito is pretty good indeed. Home made Mojitos are the best (Nina makes a great one as well), since they are made with love and attention to detail. 🙂 I find 99% bartenders not making any effort with Mojitos — too much work for them.

  • Jenny says:

    Yury, this is a great article on the Dos and Don’ts of Mojitos: http://www.jeffreymorgenthaler.com/2007/the-dos-and-donts-of-mojitos/

    Mom, did you ever really stop worrying?

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