Why Run When You Can Walk

April 6th, 2013 Comments Off on Why Run When You Can Walk

With my foot still in pain, I’m trying something quite new, quite different this morning. It’s an odd kind of exercise, but one that’s apparently been around for a while, but just hasn’t been something that appealed to me when I was a young and able-bodied person. I always thought this was something I might try when I’m old. Am I old?

Anyway, I’m meeting the Duchess this morning for this thing called “walking.” Apparently it’s in many ways it’s similar to running, but without the harsh pouding. But the thing is, I have no idea how one dresses for this activity. It’s currently 33 degrees/feels like 22. (Some day I’ll look back on this post and do a double take and think, “Wait, I thought this post was from April!”) Running means a pair of running pants and a long-sleeved shirt because after fifteen minutes, I’ll be sweating. But I’m pretty sure one does not sweat the same way on this walk-thing.

At first I suspected I was overreacting by not running, but one late-night dance party with my kids (and, yes, “late night”=9 p.m., so maybe I am old) and I’m hobbling. My dance moves never graduated from the ’80s jump up and down. I took the kids on a walk down memory lane, playing with the songs from my childhood. It started with “Run Joey Run,” the first 45 I ever bought (Pie: “What’s a 45?”). We moved on to Pink Floyd (Pie: “Pink Floyd? She is going to be awesome! Wait, that’s Pink Floyd? I hate Pink Floyd.”) We hit a little Depeche Mode (Me: “I could have sworn I had this song. Oh, wait, it was on a mixed tape.” Pie: “What’s a mixed tape?”). Meanwhile, the boy excels at the Robot (thank you “Mr. Roboto) and he can groove Billy Squier (cue making Adam uncomfortable as I explain what “The Stroke” is actually about). An excellent night. A hobbled foot. Such is life.

So I’m off to try this new-fangled exercise. We’ll see how it goes!

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