It Was 50 Years Ago Today…

March 25th, 2014 § 2 comments

No, Sergeant Pepper didn’t teach the band to play. That was twenty years ago. Fifty years ago, another act made its debut. You don’t know which one? Don’t worry, neither did my kids, and it’s a heck of a lot more relevant to their lives. When asked what happened fifty years ago today, Doodles said, “World War II? Your birthday?” Pie didn’t do much better with “Um, it’s probably not Earth Day. Was it the Boston Tea Party?” Thank you, public school system.

But back to fifty years ago. Fifty years ago today, my mother went to her class at Tulane with her hair in curlers, which was strictly against the rules. She got sent to the dean’s office. The dean told her curlers in class were not allowed. “Yes,” she said, “but I’m getting married tonight.” The dean let her get away with it but warned her not to do it again.

The wedding, originally planned for June, was put together in a week when they realized they could take advantage of Tulane’s spring break for a honeymoon (and don’t think that the June planning was all that long–they had only met the previous December). The wedding happened so fast, my father’s father couldn’t get off of work to attend. My mom’s mom bought the only white dress she could find, a size 12 cocktail dress, which she altered down to my mom’s size.

And against all the odds, they are still together. Not WWII (although a few moments could possibly be described that way–hey, Tweeds, remember 4th of July fireworks on the Beach? Yeah, me neither.). Not the Tea Party. Definitely not Earth Day. It’s the day that made all this (hands spread wide toward my own family) possible.

A very public happy 50th anniversary to my parents. Let’s celebrate this summer in Europe somewhere.
peter and carol wedding


§ 2 Responses to It Was 50 Years Ago Today…"

  • Diane says:

    Best wishes to your parents today Jenny! Momentous.

  • Jen D-K says:

    WOW, do you look like your mom in that picture!! That is *wild*. Happiest wishes to all of you! Truly something to celebrate.

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