Status Update

October 12th, 2008 Comments Off on Status Update

Things are tense in my oh-so-tiny apartment and I’ve consolidated my life down to miniature size, which is why I’m having such a tough time blogging these days. I no longer think in blog terms–the most I think is one-line Facebook statuses. Writing actual paragraphs, strings of those oh-so-pithy status updates, if you will, now seems a colossal task. My mind is thinking things like, “Jenny is contemplating tossing all of her children’s toys out the window to see if anyone notices” or “Jenny is thinking of moving abroad for three months with no forwarding address” but this empty Blogger box seems to want more from me.

But here I am, with a rare moment of peace as Adam has the monsters at the playground. Our house is in total destruction mode–the roof comes off this week–but progress is happening. I can’t envision this thing done, but apparently it will happen. I have an incredible lack of imagination on this. All I see are dollar signs as we need to pick out appliances, counters, fixtures and our savings account–like all of yours, I’m sure–is spiraling down, down, down, down, down….

My daughter is enmeshed in wedding planning (at 5 a.m., she woke up, literally screaming, “I NEED MY BRIDE DRESS NOW! Where’s my white bride dress! Get it for me now!). We had a lovely conversation on Wednesday, mere hours before the start of Kol Nidre:

Pie: I’m getting married today.
Me: Today is not such a good day to get married. Kol Nidre is in just a couple of hours.
Pie: NO! I’m getting married today!
Me: And just who do you think is going to marry you today?
Pie: Jasmine!
Me: No, I meant, who is going to perform the ceremony? All the rabbis are busy today!
Pie: But my wedding is today!
Me: And what kind of reception will that be? You can’t serve any food! The grown-ups will all be fasting.
Pie: [getting furious] NO! MY WEDDING IS TODAY!

Doodles is so Doodles. I can’t even elaborate on that. He’s just… well, Doodles.

And me? Well, “Jenny is going off to see a movie by herself. No kids or spouses allowed.” And that sums it all up nicely.

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