The Delusions of a Middle Schooler

March 27th, 2015 § 2 comments

Boy: If self-driving cars become legal before I’m 16, will you buy me one?

Me: No. 

Boy: What if all human drivers become illegal?

Me: No. 

Boy: But how will I get around?

Me: You’ll take the self-driving bus. 

Boy: But you would have bought me a car when I learned how to drive.

Me: What?! 

Adam: This is where you make the woo-woo noise to signify this is a dream sequence because the boy is clearly not in reality. 

Me: You are NOT getting a car from us! What on earth made you think you’d get a car?

Boy: Well I just figured you would buy me one because when I learned to ride a bike, you bought me a bike. 


§ 2 Responses to The Delusions of a Middle Schooler"

  • Rene Snelling says:

    Too funny. They always think they can get you with logic. A little wacked but logic!

    Enjoy this time.

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