Actual Conversations at Our House

April 9th, 2015 § 4 comments

Boy is doing his English (ELA) project at the last minute:
Boy: Can you look at my ELA project?
Me: Adam, you do it. He doesn’t like what I have to say.
Adam: Looks super.
Boy: Thanks.
Adam: Why can’t your mom look at this?
Boy: Because she told me it looks half-assed.
Me: Well someone has to tell you the truth.
Boy: I have such a loving, caring, supportive mom, who will always say nice things to me.
Me: As if.

We put girl to bed. Recently the girl expressed surprise that women get their periods once a month.
Me: We need to read It’s Perfectly Normal. I think there are some concepts you’re unclear on.
Girl: No! I don’t want to read it before bed!
Me: Okay, we can do it after school tomorrow.
Girl: Nooooooo! It’s sooooo boring!
Me: But you need to learn about puberty.
Girl: I know about it!
Me: I think you’re rusty.
Girl: No, I’m not.
Me: What does the body do when a girl gets her period?
Girl: I don’t want to talk about it! I don’t want to know about puberty! Why do I need to know?
Me: Because it’s going to happen to you.
Girl: It’s so boring!
Me: When you get your period, your uterus sheds its lining andÒ€”
Girl: STOP! You’re making my butt hurt.
Me: Fine. We can talk about it another day. Go to sleep so Daddy and I can watch House of Cards.
Girl: Why do you ALWAYS have to watch House of Cards! This is the fifth night in a row!
Me: We like it.
Girl: But it’s the FIFTH night! Why? Why can’t you not watch it?
Me: Why is this upsetting you so much?
Girl (becoming very anxious): BECAUSE IT’S THE FIFTH NIGHT!
Boy: Look, would you rather have parents who watch House of Cards or parents who smoke meth?

Status of things in the house? Boy’s project is half-assed. Girl knows nothing about puberty. Adam and I are going to watch House of Cards.

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§ 4 Responses to Actual Conversations at Our House"

  • Jen D-K says:

    “STOP! You’re making my butt hurt!”

    OMG, I am going to say this 50 times a day now. Best. Line. Ever.

    • Jenny says:

      Just don’t say it around the girl. I’ve tried saying it a few times and she gets annoyed. Apparently, it’s a catchphrase not to be shared! (But I do find that things have been happening lately that make my butt hurt!)

  • Angela says:

    “STOP! You’re making my butt hurt!” Might be the funniest thing I’ve read all week. Though “Look, would you rather have parents who watch House of Cards or parents who smoke meth?” Comes in at a close second. πŸ™‚

    • Jenny says:

      We CANNOT figure out the “House of Cards” thing. She was visibly happy when we took a night off to watch “Mad Men.” Maybe it’s because I play the theme music in her room while she sleeps? πŸ™‚

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