Survival Mode

December 22nd, 2009 Comments Off on Survival Mode

Both Pie and Rebecca Rubin are doing well right now, thank you. It was really touch and go for both of them for a bit. Pie had such a fit this morning that I had a choice to make: Do something that would rightfully have DSS after me or take it out on Rebecca Rubin. I’m sorry Rebecca Rubin. But those moments you spent in the trash can were well worth it, in my book.

Adam’s still in London and the kids have morphed into devil children. Pie refused to walk Doodles to school, which meant that either 1) she’d be home alone or 2) Doodles would miss school (which given what comes next, I don’t think he would have minded). Out and out tantrum about getting on her boots to walk the boy. That’s when Rebecca Rubin made a visit to the trash can (and no, I did not put a $100 doll in the trash can, but she took a little rest on top of the trash can). And then finally–screaming the entire three blocks–we get to Doodles’s school where Doodles–Doodles!!!–had a horrendous drop off. He cried and cried and refused to go into school and his (yes, 1st grade!) teacher had to peel him off of me.

After school, Pie was whiny and insisted on a playdate. It was really against my better judgment, but I agreed. The girl who came over is a charming girl, who I actually really like a lot. (Does this mean there are kids I don’t like? Let’s not go there, shall we?) Let’s just say the playdate did not go well. On either side. Pie didn’t share. The other girl decided we were all mean (I was mean–I insisted she hold my hand when we crossed the street to pick up Doodles. Can you believe what a be-yatch I am?). No one could get along. The playdate ended very early.

I managed to keep both kids alive and occupied the rest of the afternoon without resorting to too much bribery (okay, there may have been a few extra marshmallows in the hot chocolate, but this is survival mode!).

And now? Now the kids are fed, in pajamas, teeth brushed, and parked in front of Phineas and Ferb. If I play my cards right, they’ll both be in bed by 7 and I’ll have my glass of wine at 7:01.

We’re almost at the finish line. Almost….

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