The Squeals Heard Round the World

August 28th, 2014 § Comments Off on The Squeals Heard Round the World § permalink

Things in this house that were either misguided, misconstrued, or just plain old wrong (or, in other words, the reason my life of clean living has come to an abrupt end and why I hid in my bedroom until Teen Beach Movie was over and I had to force five tweens to brush their teeth and go to sleep):

  • I think the boy can handle a phone. He gets so much computer time, I don’t think controlling himself with a phone will be challenging
  • From Adam upon our return from New York: “There’s laundry in the washer and the dryer. If you want, you can take the stuff out of the dryer and move in the stuff from the washer.” [He didn’t appear pleased when I responded, “No, thanks. I don’t want.”]
  • Having a sleepover the night after we get back from New York won’t be a big deal. How tired could Pie be after just one late night at the theater?
  • Pizza? Who needs pizza at the party? We’ll make our own sushi!
  • Making sushi should be a cinch. I mean, I’ve eaten enough rolls. How hard could it be to make our own?
  • Only five girls will make the party manageable.
  • A cat is dying in the family room. No other possible explanation from the stream of squeals emerging from there.
  • Pie has her first soccer practice the evening after her sleepover, two nights after getting back from New York. I’m sure she’ll be fine. So, her cleats are a little small. She’ll be so excited about soccer that I’m sure she won’t whine about that.
  • Teen Beach Movie looks totally harmless. Nothing in there could possibly scare Pie.
  • At least they’ll all sleep well tonight. They must have completely exhausted themselves.
  • I’m sure I can stay up later than a bunch of tweens. How late could they possibly stay up?
  • Hungry kids vs. coffee. I guess I better get them fed before I make the coffee.

Clean living? Try brownies for dinner (the girls ate the sushi, but damn, was it terrible!) and tonight, when the house is mine and soccer is done, Adam is making me a bourbon drink the size of my head. That is, if I don’t fall asleep first.

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    I read, I write, I occasionally look to make sure my kids aren't playing with matches.

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