I know this video pisses Adam off, but I don’t care. I found it powerful. Remember to vote tomorrow, no matter who you’re voting for.
November 3rd, 2008 § 2 comments § permalink
I know this video pisses Adam off, but I don’t care. I found it powerful. Remember to vote tomorrow, no matter who you’re voting for.
October 30th, 2008 § 3 comments § permalink
I noticed a bunch of kids wearing “I voted” stickers today at kindergarten pick up today.
Me: Did you vote, Doodles?
Doodles: Yes!
Me: You didn’t get a sticker?
Doodles: I put it on my notebook.
Me: Ah. Is it a secret or will you tell me who you voted for?
Doodles: I’ll tell you.
Me: Who did you vote for?
Doodles: John McCain.
Me: And how did you decide on him?
Doodles: I liked what he promised.
Me: What did he promise?
Doodles: He promised to pay for college.
Me: Ah.
Doodles: But my guy didn’t win.
Me: No?
Doodles: Barack Obama won.
Me: Oh.
Doodles: When they announced the winner, I said, “Awwww,” because my guy didn’t win.
Me: You must be disappointed.
Pie: You voted for John McCain?
Doodles: Yes. And when he’s president, he’s going to keep his promise, because presidents always keep promises.
October 21st, 2008 § 1 comment § permalink
Kate Feiffer visited Doodles’s school today to read from her book President Pennybaker. There’s been talk of the election and as part of the day, apparently an election was held. I didn’t know about this, until I noticed late in the day that Doodles was wearing an “I Voted” sticker.
Me: You voted today?
Doodles: Yep.
Me: Who did you vote for?
Doodles [with no hesitation]: You!
Me: You voted for me?
Doodles: Yeah!
Me: Who were your choices?
Doodles: Um, our choices were, um, Bar-ick O-bama. And, um… Um…
Me: John McCain?
Doodles: Yes! John McCain! And Your Mommy. And Your Daddy.
Me: So you voted for me?
Doodles: Yeah!
Me: Aw, that’s sweet.
Doodles: There was a line to write in another name. I was going to vote for me, write my own name in. But I decided to vote for you.
Me: Why?
Doodles: I dunno.
Adam: What is it that Mommy supports that you agree with?
Doodles: I dunno. I just voted for her.
And with that, Doodles proves himself to be a true blue American. No idea what he’s voting for. Just going with the popular vote. And you? Do I have your support? I make no promises….
October 14th, 2008 § Comments Off on Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Republican § permalink
For the record, my parents are Democrats. So maybe I should just send this to Adam’s family:
September 29th, 2008 § Comments Off on Bubbe for Barack! § permalink
I so rarely write anything political in this blog, but this was the best political push I’ve ever seen. Note, not really suitable for viewing at work.
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
September 14th, 2008 § Comments Off on Born Republican § permalink
That girl, that girl. Oy is she trying to prove to me that she’s her father’s daughter.
For his birthday, Doodles got Monopoly Jr. I have to say, it’s a great intro to Monopoly and not a bad game at all. Doodles caught on quite quickly. Pie? Well, Pie likes to play by her own rules.
Me: Okay, Pie, you have to pay the bank $3.
Pie: $3?
Me: Yes.
Pie: I don’t want to.
Me: But, Sweetie, that’s how the game is played.
After a bit of cajoling…
Pie: Okay. But you have to give it back to me later, okay?
We’re playing for a bit.
Me: Okay, Pie, you have to pay Doodles $4.
Pie: No.
Me: That’s the way the game is played. You can give him one green and one white bill or you can give him two yellow bills.
Pie: No.
Me: Sweetie, these are the rules of the game. You have to give him two of the pieces of paper.
Pie, finally relenting: I’ll give him one. But he has to give it back to me later.
The next day in the car, I was listening to NPR. NPR, for God’s sakes! And my daughter? What does she pick up on? I hear a song emerging from the back seat, a lovely little tune with a simple set of words: “John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain. John McCain.” For an entire twenty minute car ride.
I guess I was wrong. Dartmouth, here she comes.