Nano Help, people!

November 14th, 2007 § 6 comments

Thanks to Zippy, Jennifer, and MTB for the Nanowrimo words suggestions (Zippy, I’m still working on Gordon Lightfoot). Now how about the rest of you? According to my logs, there are at least 500 of you looking at my blog each week. 500 words would be one percent of my novel! Toss me some words/ideas/phrases and I’ll work them in. I have a plot now, which makes this more fun. Help me Nano, people!


§ 6 Responses to Nano Help, people!"

  • Amia says:

    It was the first time I have met someone who could oscillate so quickly between insecurity and magalomania….

  • Alisa says:

    Okay I am giving you the first sentence of each of the notes home I got this week from daycare.

    “We began the day in the sunflower room.”

    “Despite the rain we had a full and productive day.”

    “We had great listening this morning.”

    “Another week has come and gone!”

  • Chrissie says:

    The first thing out of my daughter’s mouth after her nap this afternoon.

    “Ok, ok, don’t get upset. It’s just a little broken.”

  • Daniella says:

    it was the day my heart broke into a thousand pieces and I looked over the shattered remains, stunned….

  • Daphne says:

    There’s no way I’m going to see a doctor about that.

  • Karin says:

    (Lee ponders existence…)

    Does a person make people?

    Does a person put pretend people into a machine to make real people?

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    I read, I write, I occasionally look to make sure my kids aren't playing with matches.

    My novel, MODERN GIRLS will be coming out from NAL in the spring of 2016.

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